flashform, a balloon bridge

I was making my way to via Tortona, while crossing the bridge I bumped into this amazing project by Nynke Koster, Renate Nederpel, Anke Muijsers, students of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.

The project is called Flashform -they explain- and its purpose is to enhance cooperative work in art and design by giving a new shape to Tortona’s bridge with the help of passers-by. Each person would be given a special unit made of four balloons glued together: modules were then to be tied to the bridge, building a floating, cloudy structure around it.
What a shame they had clouds up in the sky, as well: as it began to rain though, the artists would not give up their mission. With the help of people they went on building the new ephemeral skeleton for the bridge, stating the power of colaboration, proving the value of their concept.

Do you still believe in pure communication?
Can we still learn from eachother?

Royal Academy of Art, The Hague